"It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35
Why We Give.
Every bit counts.
Generous giving allows Calvary impact our world with the good news of Jesus Christ. If you consider Calvary your church home, we would encourage you to give and join what God is doing through our church through your financial generosity.
Biblical giving.
As the church began, generosity was greatly valued. At Calvary, we believe giving is an opportunity to bless others with the gifts God has given to you as you invest in the mission of our church. By giving tithe and offerings, God not only blesses others, but he also you.
How We Give.
Offerings can be given directly by clicking the link below.
Mobile App.
Offerings can be given by downloading our mobile giving app, Church Center.
Text to Give.
Text any amount to 84321 & follow the secure prompts.
In-Service Offering.
Offerings can be given during service. Envelopes are available in the lobby.
By Mail.
Mail a check to 1907 McKinley Ave., Beloit, WI 53511